Yes, I have the internet again. Yeah!!!!Hopefully I will be able to blog regularly. I am still really busy so don't hold me to it. I just had to share this good news with you all (the few of you who might care).
Caleb is my 11 year old. I am grateful for his great attitude and desire to do the right thing. His gymnastics season is almost here. He also made the basketball team at school. He is our Gold Honor Roll student.
Payton is my 7 year old. I am grateful for her and her ability to always say the things that make me feel like a good mom. She loves to read all the time.
Press Mess
Presley is now 4 year old and already counting down until she is 5. I am grateful for her always making me laugh.
Where to begin....I am a wife to a wonderful husband who I have been married to for 15 years. I am a mother to 5 beautiful children. I am a home builder, literally. I am a taxi driver for all the kids athletic activities as well as church activities. I am the Primary President to the 90 children in our church. I am a consultant for Shelf Reliance, food storage company. I am a very busy person and I love it.
Parker is a teenager, 14 years old! I can't believe I have a freshman in High School. I am so proud of Parker and his desire to Choose the Right. He has been attending early morning seminary without complaints.
Kailei is my 9 year old. I am grateful for her willingness to always do what I ask. However, she has started to be a little sassy. Everyone wants to be her BFF.
It has been a long time. :) Glad to see you back and to see more pictures of your adorable kids.