Our house is almost ready to put up for SALE, and I am scared to death that it won't sell and we will be stuck. Our goal is to be out in Edgewood by the time school starts next year. I will have an 8th grader, a 4th grader, a 2nd grader and a kindergartener. YIKES!!! Speaking of 8th grader, Parker will be 13 in 2 weeks....I am feeling old. I am grateful for Parker. He is such a great kid. He is starting to get attitude but he still helps me with all the kids. It is nice to have him around to watch the kids so I can have time to myself to go grocery shopping. I hate taking the kids with me to the store. They are the worst. I hate to grocery shop anyway.
We had a very busy Saturday, like usual. I had to work in the concession for baseball from 7am until 10:30am. Caleb had a baseball game from 8am to 10am so it was nice to watch him. He actually got to pitch for his first time and he struck out 3 people. He has a very fast pitch but a little out of control at times. Joe is going to work with him on pitching. We then went to Kailei's gymnastics practice from 11:30-1:15pm. Then we drove to Corrales to take Kailei and Payton to a friends birthday party. Caleb, Presley and I went to the park while the girls were at the party. It was a nice day and it was fun to watch Caleb play with Presley. After the party we went home and cleaned up the house for about 40 minutes. I then went, by myself, to pick Sandi up at the airport and she dropped me off at UNM for my 3 volleyball games. I played from 6:40pm until 11:30pm. So, to say the least I was exhausted by the time I got home.
Yes, we made it to church at 9am, well 9:05am, they were singing when we walked in. Before church I cut both boys hair and fixed all my girls hair. I even had time for my hair, I didn't have to wear it up. I am thankful for my family and for the support of my husband with all the activities that I am in as well as the kids.
6 hours ago