Me and Presley are having a lot of fun together when all the kids are at school. She plays really well by herself. I thought it was going to be hard for her but she kind of likes it.
The other kids are still enjoying school. Parker's football season is almost over. They weren't very good this year. In fact, they lost all their games, so far, and they have only scored one touchdown. The coaches aren't that great. They don't get the kids excited about playing, they just stand on the sidelines. He is number 62 if you couldn't tell.
Caleb is now 10 and we are having a sleepover friday night. I am so excited. Actually, the boys are pretty good. He is still doing gymnastics, if it were up to mom he would be done, but he still enjoys it. He is doing very well in school and his teacher loves him.
Kailei is turning 8 next week and we are all excited. She is going to be baptized on Halloween because that is when all the family could get together. She will always remember that day!!! She is not doing gymnastics anymore and is dying to start Jazz lessons. There is a dance studio down the street so hopefully we will get our schedules worked out so all the girls can start dance lessons.
Payton loves school but she is pretty social in class. She also is very tired after school. She usually always falls asleep after school. But she is enjoying learning.
We are all loving living in Edgewood. I love when I don't have to drive into town. I thought I would want to drive but now I am tired of it. I have made some great friends and enjoy working out 3 times a week with them. We went to TINKERTOWN a few weeks ago, very interesting place. Other than that we are all doing well and enjoying the fall.