Since I didn't post pictures of Caleb's last meet, I will post them now. Presley was wanting her picture taken also, so Kailei took the picture of her.
We have put up many sheets of drywall at Bob and Sandi's house (my in-laws) and so I figured I should put some pictures up for those of you keeping track of that. We haven't been working at our house but it is fun seeing the change that Bob and Sandi's house is taking. Also, the girls walls look a lot better than the boys walls. I think because Sandi and I work really well together, there is no yelling involved.
The picture with Prelsey and Kailei is for Uncle Brandon. He is a firefighter in LA and he sent all the kids shirts for Christmas. No one else wanted to wear their shirts so I took this picture for Brandon.
I have to confess something to all my Facebook friends. Thanks to my good friend, Buffie, I am now on facebook and I am having a great time getting reconnected with old friends from High School and my friends that I have right now. I don't have a lot of time to leave comments but it is fun to see how so many people have changed and how so many people look just the same. I am thankful for all my wonderful friends that truly care about me and how I am doing in my busy life, but you all keep me sane. Also, I have the best husband in the whole world and I am so thankful for him and all he does to provide for our family and for giving me the opportunity to stay home with our children.