So I thought I posted a message and then I realized I didn't get around to it. So here is an update on the family, for those of you that read my blog. We are all doing well staying busy as usual.
Starting with Parker, he had a chance to go and tour the high school yesterday. Yikes, I can't believe that is next year already. He is really excited to be going to Moriarty High School! I am glad because I still don't like the Pintos....Green and black are not my favorite colors. He is trying out for the baseball team next week. He also thinks he wants to run track and possibly play golf at the high school. We will see what happens. He is still doing scouting stuff and he just received his 1st class rank and will be a star in 4 months. He already could be a star but they require you be a 1st class for 4 months. He is playing basketball on the church team and the team isn't very good but they have fun.
Caleb is still participating in gymnastics and is doing very well this year. His last meet in Las Cruces he took 3rd overall for his age. He has his state meet in March and looking forward to that. He also was honored at school with a Gold Honor Roll member. That is the highest recognition they give for honor roll. They had an assembly at his school for all the 3rd to 6th graders that had accomplished this recognition. We are so proud of Caleb's accomplishments at school.
Kailei is doing well in school also. She has made so many friends that we hardly ever see her on the weekends because she always wants to spend the night at her friends house. She really wants to be in Jazz and Ballet but I need to find time when we can get her in that. It always seems to be when we have other activities going on.
Payton is still loving school. She has lost 3 teeth so far and has 2 more that are loose. She is the worst when it comes to loosing teeth. She is also doing very well in school but she can be a little too social sometimes.
Presley really wants to start school so I am looking at getting her into pre-school next year for something to do. She loves being home without any kids. She plays so well by herself that when the kids get home from school she usually is always screaming at someone for bothering her. She is such a good girl and spends lots of time in the car with me travelling to and from the other kids activities.
Joe and I are staying busy as usually. We hope to be in OUR house before the summer so we are working hard at that, in our free time, which seems to be not very much. I will try and post pictures as soon as I can upload them.